
  • Security lighting installed on the corner of Eugene, OR house next to garage

    Types of Outdoor Security Lighting

    Turning your home into a fortress of safety and comfort starts with making sure the outside is just as secure as the inside. Outdoor security lights deter burglars, providing peace of mind for homeowners. The right lighting can transform your home’s exterior into a well-lit, welcoming space while simultaneously offering...

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  • Toddler sitting on dad's lap, who is installing an outlet plug.

    Essential Home Electrical Safety Tips

    Have you ever wondered if your home is truly safe from electrical hazards? It’s easy to overlook the potential dangers lurking in our electrical systems, but taking a proactive approach can prevent accidents and keep your family safe. At Reynolds Electric and Plumbing, we understand that electrical safety is paramount....

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    Signs It’s Time to Rewire Your Home

    Most homeowners rarely think about the wiring hidden behind their walls. Yet, electrical systems play a critical role in everyday comfort and, more importantly, safety. Ignoring the condition of your home’s wiring can lead to serious issues, including potential fire hazards. Recognizing the signs it’s time to rewire your home...

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  • An electrician writing on a notepad while inspecting an electrical panel.

    The Importance of Electrical Inspections for Homeowners

    The electrical systems in our homes act as silent lifelines, powering everything from the smallest light bulb to the largest refrigerator. Yet, despite their critical role, the health of these systems often goes unchecked until a problem arises. This is where the importance of electrical inspections becomes evident. Not only...

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  • A woman touching a wall switch.

    5 Warning Signs of a Defective Wall Switch

    Wall switches are a fundamental part of our daily lives, controlling the lights and power in our homes. However, like any other electrical component, they can experience wear and tear, leading to potential hazards. In this blog, we’ll explore the warning signs of a defective wall switch, guiding you on...

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  • A woman replacing an LED light bulb.

    Are LED Lights Safe?

    In recent years, LED lights have become increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and longevity. However, with this rise in usage, many people are asking, “Are LED lights safe?” This question is crucial as we integrate LED lighting more into our daily lives, from household lighting to digital device...

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  • A kid adjusting a thermostat as an older man descends a staircase in the background.

    5 Electrical Upgrades You Need in Your Home

    As the heart of our homes continues to evolve, the need for more advanced and safer electrical systems is inevitable. Whether you’re undertaking a full-scale home renovation or simply looking to improve your home’s current conditions, considering the most important electrical upgrades for homes is crucial. With the growing emphasis...

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  • A man installing a bathroom exhaust fan.

    Are Exhaust Fans Required in Bathrooms?

    Proper ventilation is an essential aspect of any building, and the bathroom is no exception. Bathrooms are one of the most humid and moisture-rich areas in any home, and if left unventilated, this moisture can cause a range of problems, including mold and mildew growth, peeling paint, and musty odors.

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  • Hands reaching up to replace an LED light bulb.

    How Long Do LED Lights Last?

    Lighting technology has evolved and advanced significantly over the years, and one of the most remarkable inventions in the lighting industry is LED technology. LEDs are quite popular today, and they offer many benefits over traditional incandescent bulbs. For example, they have excellent energy efficiency, produce less heat, offer better...

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